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On June 27th 2024, on the occasion of R2B, an operational meeting was held between the 13 Italian EDIH with the participation in-person of the Project Officer (PO) of the EU Commission, Alvaro Hernando.

An overview of the Italian EDIHs of which ER2Digit is part was provided: 40 sectors are involved, mainly including manufacturing, healthcare and public administration; the technologies used mainly include AI, Cybersecurity and IoT, with a total of 35 technologies used. 

August 23rd, 2024
Digital Innovation Hub E-R Project

The PADRION (Public Administrations facing Digital transformation as a community in the ADRION area) Project will officially start on September 1st 2024 and will mark the beginning of a path aimed at improving the digital transformation and innovative capacity of PAs in the Adriatic-Ionian region. 

Lepida coordinates this project, which involves public organizations from Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

August 20th, 2024
Welfare & Digital Integrations

Lepida’s participation to two of the DIGI-INCLUSION network meetings, held in April in Torres Vedras (Portugal) and in June in Jelgava (Latvia), has strengthened the commitment to issues connected to the digital transition and gave new ideas for future projects.

July 5th, 2024
Welfare & Digital Integrations

The PADRION project (Public Administrations facing Digital transformation as a community in the ADRION area) has been selected for the financing program Interreg cooperation Program IPA Adrion 2021-2027. The project addresses the common challenge of digital transformation and innovation capacity of Public Administrations. 

April 16th, 2024
Welfare & Digital Integrations

 Within the ER2Digit project, the first series of alerts was launched on November 22nd 2023.

The response was extraordinary, with 22 Public Administrations (PA) submitting 35 applications for services, demonstrating considerable interest in digital innovation.

March 25th, 2024
Digital Innovation Hub E-R Project

In order to develop, strengthen and expand the network infrastructure, and doing so connecting PAs and making datacenter more performing and safer, the implementation of routing, switching and safety solutions is a crucial step. 

This is why in September 2023 Vista Technology, a certificated Juniper partner, has been chosen by Lepida through a public procedure as Juniper Networks products supplier.

March 15th, 2024

After the webinar “Rete IoT per l’Emilia-Romagna – Insieme per un ecosistema di dati intelligenti” (IoT Network for Emilia-Romagna – Together to build an ecosystem of intelligent data), which was held in september 2023, new memorandums of understanding were signed with more than 20 bodies, the needs for sensors for specific territorial projects were collected and the phase of their installation began.

February 23rd, 2024
Strategic & Special Actions

In December 2023, Emilia-Romagna Region, Lepida and the pensioner’s trade unions – Spi Cgil, Fnp Cisl and Uilp Uil – renewed the memorandum of understanding which aims to support the most vulnerable segments of the population during the access and use of the Digital ID SPID and its related online services, such as Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico, ERSalute, app IO and PagoPA.

February 16th, 2024
Welfare & Digital Integrations

The Computer Security Incident Response Team of the Emilia-Romagna Region (CSIRT-RER) is officially operative.

It’s a structure dedicated to cyber-security established by the Region to support its Constituency of reference – that is the regional agencies and structures and the Bodies that signed the Convenzione per la Community Network in Emilia-Romagna – in preventing, detecting and answering cybersecurity incidents while constantly improving the cybersecurity posture thanks to the adoption of standardized and good common practices.

January 5th, 2024
Safety, Environment & Emergency

The “L’Europa in Emilia-Romagna” platform has been recently launched and it’s accessible at, bringing to life a dynamic space where the social and institutional fabric of the Region can meet, cooperate and grow together.

January 2nd, 2024
Digital Integrations

The final evaluation of the European PRECINT project was held in Bruxelles with the aid of a profitable and positive dialogue with the evaluation experts of the European Commission, and it manifested some evident interests for the operators who work with interconnected critical infrastructures and aim to improve their resilience.

December 4th, 2023
Digital Innovation Hub E-R Project

How can we effectively use AI to manage the territory and the administrative processes? 

What tools can be used to improve supervision and risk management? 

What are the necessary competences, and which ethical implication should be taken into consideration?

December 1st, 2023