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Mission of the company is the realization of the following activities:

  • the constitution of an aggregating hub, supporting the regional plans for ICT development in terms of projecting, research, development, experimentation and management of ICT services and products, in addition to activities related to the realization, maintenance, activation and management of infrastructure, and the management and development of access services favoring the citizenship, public administrations and companies, with high-specialization excellences in the sectors of healthcare, social assistance, personal services by local bodies and socio-health services
  • the provision of services deriving from the guidelines by the regional plan for telematic, ICT and e-government development, as provided by art. 6 of regional law n. 11/2004 and its related implementations (see art. 7)
  • the provision of services through: the management of demand for process analysis; the definition of standards for information interexchange; the writing of technical documents and tender procedures for service development/purchase; program and project management; exercisability verifications; support to the deployment and provision of services through the identified providers; the monitoring of service levels
  • educational activities and technical support within the field of ICT
  • activities supporting managerial functions in the organizational and administrative sectors, in favor of the Partners and their Companies
  • activities connected to the adoption of new technologies, applied to the government of the Emilia-Romagna regional territory and pivotal for Partners, such as the activities connected to smart cities and smart working
  • activities as a central, technical-ICT hub as provided by art. 14 of the regional law n. 11/2004
  • activities supporting the implementation of the regional system for distributed calculation (Data center e Cloud computing), as provided by regional law n. 14/2014
  • the purchase, development, provision and offering, within the limits and in coherence to the communitarian and national regulations concerning work contracts, services and provisions, of telecommunication, ICT and similar services, including, but not limited to: data services, Internet and telephone services, both traditional and via IP network; services for landline/mobile convergence; data center services with functions as data storage; server farming, server consolidation, facility management, backup, disaster recovery; technological Help Desk services (incident and problem management); provision of managerial applicative software in ASP mode 
  • the realization, maintenance and management of regional networks, as provided by art. 9 of the regional law n. 11/2004, as well as of local networks at the urban level (thereinafter MAN), of the subnetworks components of MANs and of functional networks, with the aim to reduce the cases of digital divide (also coherently to what provided by the regional law n. 14/2014), that is, of market failure. Activities of realization, maintenance and management include but are not limited to: the planning of material network infrastructures; projecting; work contracts; constructions; the testing of segments covered by the optical fiber network; the renting of traditional circuits, fiber or radio infrastructures for segments not belonging to the network; commissioning; ordinary and extraordinary maintenance; the predisposition of technological infrastructures capable of ensuring connection to the necessary bands, to provide the connectivity services; the monitoring of network performances
  • the provision of connectivity services on the regional networks as defined by art. 9 of the regional law n. 11/2004, including but not limited to: data transmission on IP protocols with guaranteed speed and bandwidth; every service strictly connected with data transmission, including but not limited to the provision and configuration of terminal network apparata placed at local access points (PALs) and the configuration of virtual private network (VPNs); the performance of necessary interfacing functions to the public connectivity system (SPC), guaranteeing the service and safety levels provided by the SPC technical regulations; 
  • when required, the interconnection to the GARR research network; the interconnection to public operators telecommunication networks; the provision to the public of a free Internet connection service through WiFi technology on behalf of the partner Bodies, upon their request and in their interest, operating as their technical service; subsidiary and temporary provision of the services indicated by art. 15 of the regional law n. 14/2014, in case of absence of other market solutions allowing the provision of such services;
  • the provision of network services, at fair and non discriminant conditions, to local and national public bodies, public companies, law enforcement corps, for the realization of wide band infrastructures to connect their premises, within the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Partners’ territory;
  • the management of the service "Single European Emergency Number - NUE 112" and the related technical components.

See the Company presentation (opens a new tab)
Read the company’s statute (in Italian)

Shareholders of Lepida ScpA are more than 450 Public Bodies.
Emilia-Romagna Region is the majority owner.

See the full list (opens a new tab, showing data from the Italian site)

Please visit our Italian page to be updated on our open positions.


Head Office

Via della Liberazione, 15 - 40128 Bologna IT
Tel. +39 051 6338800
Fax +39 051 4208511

Local offices

Via del Borgo di San Pietro 90/c
40126 Bologna



Via Ronchi Inferiore 30/g-n
40061 Minerbio (BO)