LepidaTv is constantly expanding its catalogue, reaching almost 10.000 available videos.
The new season of “Traguardi! Sport e territorio in Emilia-Romagna” (Goals! Sport and territory in Emilia-Romagna) was produced in 2025, and the first episode consists in a monography dedicated to mountain climbing.
The episode, lasting 12 minutes, narrates the efforts of three famous “valley mountaineers”: Davide Chiesa, Kurt Diemberger and Mario Fantin.
Through photographs, videos and testimonies, spectators will relive extraordinary moments of the history of climbing.
Another important news is the production of the “I cammini dell’Emilia-Romagna. Storie, paesaggi e sapori” (The paths of Emilia-Romagna. Stories, landscapes and flavors) series.
Conducted by Federico Taddia, it explores six ancient regional paths, promoting sustainable tourism and the slow rediscovery of the territory. From the trails walked by Dante or San Francesco to the medieval footpaths of Matilde di Canossa.
With these new contents, LepidaTV confirms to be a constantly growing platform even richer of quality content and a dynamic archive, capable of offering programs ranging from digital to culture, from tourism to sports, from the ecological transition to local history and even more.