The Emilia-Romagna Region was awarded by the Observatory of the Politecnico of Milan in the “Digital Regional Agenda” category.
Elena Mazzoni, Digital Agenda Regional Councilor, has received the prize on the 28th of January: “Our objective is to put citizens and companies at the center of the digital transformation, in order to overcome disparities between territories and inequalities”.
The Thematic Communities of the Emilia-Romagna Digital Agenda, supported by Lepida regarding their realization and management, are true worksites at the service of digital transformation.
“The aim of the Digital Agenda of Emilia-Romagna - Councilor Mazzoni said – is to push the information technologies potential in order to favor innovation, policies that reduce disparities in the regions and economic growth, with the main objective of simplifying services and adapting them better to the needs of citizens and businesses, thanks to secure and shared platforms and infrastructures”.
The Thematic Communities of Emilia-Romagna, a part from the Lepida staff, unite groups of professionals and administrators that share their work scope and operate exchanging procedures, information, tools and tasks resolution methods.
They are the subject with which the Emilia-Romagna Region co-projects and experiments with the digital strategy actions that involve public Bodies and territorial organizations.
Some of those actions contribute to the Lepida triennial Industry Plan and come from working groups between professionals and administrators of local Bodies.
Active since 2008, a total of 10 Thematic Communities are grouped in 4 thematic areas: digital strategies for administrators and mayors, gender strategies (gender gap) and Digital Transition Managers.
Then, the digital skills and the public services with specific communities for businesses, citizens and facilitation services.
The third scope is data and tools for widespread intelligence.
And finally, the informatic, cloud and sensors security field.
There are a total of 1,234 registrations in the 10 Communities, representing 292 local Bodies, of which 277 are Regional Bodies, accounting for about 70% of the local Bodies in the region, and 15 from other regional organizations, including: health companies, Universities, research centers and consortia.
Representatives of ANCI, UPI and the Superintendence of Archives and Bibliographic Services of Emilia-Romagna also participate.
The Communities not only develop technical projects, but are also aiming to create a sharing culture between professionals of different fields.
In these regards, since the 13th of May 2022, Lepida coordinates a weekly meeting in which, together with ADER, ANCI and DTD, supports territorial Bodies with PNRR projects: 150 tables with more than 11.000 participants.