LepidaTv is constantly expanding its catalogue, reaching almost 10.000 available videos.
The new season of “…
Frost and snow couldn’t stop the construction of the trellises for the CellMon projects.
Thanks to the help of 3 helicopters, in…
The Emilia-Romagna Region was awarded by the Observatory of the Politecnico of Milan in the “Digital Regional Agenda” category.
A Chilean delegation, composed by various experts in healthcare, informatics and organization, was hosted by Lepida in…
On the 3rd and 4rth of December 2024, the kick-off meeting of the PADRION (Public Administrations facing Digital transformation as a…
The annual audit by the Certification Body on Quality, Information Security and Health and Safety Management Systems was successfully…
Less than 10 minutes to generate an air quality impact scenario based on the vehicles running at regional level and in each municipality…
On the 24th of September every partner of the Digi-Inclusion project, including Lepida, together with the political…
Digital innovation at the service of planning and designing spaces, cities and informed territories, for communities increasingly…
On June 27th 2024, on the occasion of R2B, an operational meeting was held between the 13 Italian EDIH with the participation in-person…
Mission of the company is the realization of the following activities:
See the Company presentation (opens a new tab)
Read the company’s statute (in Italian)
Shareholders of Lepida ScpA are more than 450 Public Bodies.
Emilia-Romagna Region is the majority owner.
See the full list (opens a new tab, showing data from the Italian site)
Please visit our Italian page to be updated on our open positions.
Head Office
Via della Liberazione, 15 - 40128 Bologna IT
Tel. +39 051 6338800
Fax +39 051 4208511
E-mail segreteria@lepida.it
PEC segreteria@pec.lepida.it
Local offices
Via del Borgo di San Pietro 90/c
40126 Bologna
Via Ronchi Inferiore 30/g-n
40061 Minerbio (BO)