Following the merger by incorporation of CUP 2000 into Lepida, the company becomes a competence center at the national level in the projecting, realization, management, commissioning and maintenance of CUP (Centro Unico di Prenotazione - Joint Booking Center) systems, and provides institutional support to the regional Health Authorities in the utilization of both the CUP2.0 platform with its integrated modules, developed internally, and other market solutions.
In the perspective of an offer management oriented towards the proactive monitoring of waiting times, the optimization of resources and the facilitation of take-in-charge paths, the activities of the branch provide an increment in specialist healthcare services that can be booked online through the CUPweb, APP ERSalute, FSE, and EasyCUP services; as well as the implementation of a joint integrated system for telephonic booking and cancellation at the regional level, also with reference to the management of appointments with MDs operating as private professionals, and to services provided under agreements with insurance companies.
The adaptation of organizational and IT systems for the payment of healthcare services, and its relative reduction in the use of cash, is made possible through a larger utilization of the platform RUDI (Rete Unica di Incasso - Joint Collection Network), with its additional functions involving debt collection, malus management, electronic invoicing and the necessary adjustments in pricing, following the abolition of the healthcare "super-fee".
Starting from integrated management and from the reorganization of access points, the company contributes to the transition to digital administration, and its corresponding progressive decrease in traditional access contacts; contextually, Lepida operates for the standardisation of processes and procedures for accessing socio-health services, with special attention towards the cultural, organizational and technological changes required by the GDPR.
The company offers technical support to citizens and Health Authorities operators, for the utilization and the diffusion of portals and online services such as the Electronic Health Record, CUPweb and Pagonline; it provides informational support concerning access to the whole regional healthcare system.
The branch also supports the Health Authorities in disseminating the competences necessary for citizens, patients and professionals to be actively involved - as single users, organisations or communities - in the decisions which concern their health and in the planning, management and evaluation of healthcare services.