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icona Datacenter & Cloud Datacenter & Cloud

In 2014 Lepida started the implementation phase of the model which provides the realization of three Datacenters on the territory of the Emilia-Romagna Region, coherently with the national plan described in the “Guidelines on the rationalization of PA digital infrastructures”, released by AGID.

The three Datacenters have been configured as extensions of the Lepida Network and, as such, they mainly function as network POPs, guaranteeing to each service the native fruition of the Lepida Network potentialities. The objective is to consolidate and optimize ICT resources of the PA with advanced services for calculation, storage, disaster recovery, backup and business continuity.

A strongly innovative “condominium” sustainability model was designed by Lepida and the Emilia-Romagna Region: it is based on a public-private partnership (PPP) which provides, for private economic entities, a one-off financing amount and the pro-rata joint participation to the operating costs, in exchange for the possibility to utilize a space of the Datacenter for their commercial purposes. The collaboration model, already implemented in Ravenna, Parma and Ferrara, guarantees the immediate realization of the project, its sustainability in the medium/long term and supports the innovation of the local production base. Most Data Computing Centers (Centro Elaborazione Dati - CEDs) belonging to the Bodies converge to the Datacenters, in order to allow the transfer of services from scattered, disaggregated and duplicated single systems to shared systems, in an overall perspective of efficiency, utilization of financial resources and energy saving.  

The realization of a network of federated Datacenters allows to obtain the maximum synergy between Administrations in the management and maintenance of IT systems, bringing value to the regional Ultrawide Band Network (Banda Ultra Larga - BUL) and exploiting the typical characteristics of a Datacenter. From this strategic perspective, the Datacenters qualify as a value-added service with respect to the investments in the network realization, and contribute to strengthen implementation projects for a large joint digital infrastructure.