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icona Welfare & Integrazioni Digitali Welfare & Digital Integrations

In line with the strategy of the national and regional Digital Agenda, Lepida supports its Members in plans, activities and actions for the adoption and integrated use of digital technologies, encouraging an active participation by its Members in the design, development, planning and implementation of policies for the realization of digital administration, according to a model already shared within the Thematic Communities as a strategic action for the realization of the Digital Transformation for its Members, in accordance with the provisions of the three-year Plan for IT in the PA and the evolution of national and European legislation, including through the development of Local Digital Agendas.

The available enabling infrastructures (Ultra Wide Band, Datacenter, Regional Services Platfroms) offer to Local PA the possibility to realize a digital and open administration, aim of the 214/2015 reform, through a growing integration of processes and services in line with the provisions of the three-year IT Plan in the Public Administration and the Digital Agenda of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Starting from the profitable experience in the healthcare sector at the Digitalization and Dematerialization Competence Center of Minerbio, Lepida promotes the sharing of its technologies to facilitate the transition to a paperless Administration.

Moreover, Lepida was assigned by Emilia-Romagna Region the duty to disseminate the digitalization of processes regarding Digital Justice, with the goal of facilitating the access, allowing interoperability and simplifying processes and fluxes between Local Authorities and Regional Judicial Offices, also by virtue of the important changes brought by the Cartabia reform.

The Emilia-Romagna Region has financed a Point of Public Access to the Telematic Civil Process and its services, entrusting the management to Lepida that has taken care of the installation at its Datacenter and the subsequent national accreditation. Lepida also supports Entities in the activation of the Civil Telematic Process, providing licenses of use of a modular and flexible solution and accompanying the Entities in the different steps necessary to make the electronic deposits to the Chancelleries.

Lepida supports Members in the definition and implementation of technical and organizational solutions for Smart Working, improving the regional infrastructure, enabling and managing integrated and homogeneous solutions for an agile work, encouraging their deployment and dissemination in the territory.

In the social and welfare field, Lepida offers its Members projects and initiatives that spotlight sensitive issues, such as fragility, integration, culture and full active digital citizenship, supporting the development of inclusive and cohesive projects and targeting the most vulnerable population groups.

Several IoT experiments have been started in order to monitor the welfare of the most fragile and to anticipate/slow down some of the issues that can bring to lack of self-sufficiency, also working on the digital-divide issue in synergy with the PNRR project “Digitale facile in Emilia-Romagna”.

The same e-Care Network is not only engaged in the action of prevention and contrast to non-self-sufficiency through remote-monitoring of fragile people, but also in the development of a wider role both regarding social IoT (in which the service is proposed as a 1st level monitoring center on the data sent to the dashboard and for the activation of the territorial network) and the facilitation for users that utilize digital tools.

Furthermore, Lepida is realizing and managing a group of platforms of the Social Health regional Informational System, supporting both the Central Administration and the Local Authorities and organizing the fluxes of information between the different hubs.