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100% digital schools, wired by Lepida

Digital wired schools - image

During the health emergency caused by the Coronavirus, teachers and students had to adapt to a new situation, that of distance learning; the importance of connectivity to schools as centers of content provision, as well as of content fruition as they already were, has emerged in an always more binding way. The paradigm of symmetry of the band, always supported by Lepida, was therefore supported by facts.

Remote working and digital transformation

hands on a keyboard

The Coronavirus pandemic is not only spreading rapidly, but also quickly revolutionizing the way we work around the world. The most impacted dimension is definitely technological. In the space of a couple of weeks, the need to activate effective, fast and secure responses has arisen to enable thousands of workers to remote working, with personal devices or from home, with private connections, with different bandwidth capabilities and uneven architectural solutions.

icona Azioni Strategiche & Speciali IoT network for the Public Administrations (PA)

The project envisages for the creation of an Internet of Things (IoT) Network for the Public Administration, where citizens and companies, in addition to the PA itself, can integrate their own sensors. PAs collect and transport data from these sensors, to make them available to their owners and to any articulation of the PA itself, for institutional purposes and public interests. In particular, the project pursues the following aims:

Coronavirus, in Bologna thousands of seniors assisted by the e-Care service

Red Cross volunteers

"Good morning, how are you? Compared to usual, how are you feeling? Do you have someone who can help you in case of need?" These are just some of the questions that every day the volunteers of the Italian Red Cross and Croce Italia ask, by telephone, to frail elderly people of Bologna, women and men living alone, particularly isolated in these days of Coronavirus. 

RER Press Release: School. Agreement between the Region, the Regional School Office and Lepida: APPs for remote teaching

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Bologna - More e-learning in schools in Emilia-Romagna. In these weeks of forced suspension of lessons due to the Coronavirus emergency, the e-learning mode represents an opportunity to maintain an educational relationship with the school. A "virtual classroom" in which everyone will be connected from home.

Design-thinking: how to redesign territorial welfare with digital technologies

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Over the last few years there has been a growing attention to innovative welfare policies and services, in order to try to provide effective answers to the emergence of new forms of economic, cultural and social inequality on the one hand, and to a demographic scenario in great transformation on the other, as the recent ISTAT survey on 2019 demographic indicators clearly shows.

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