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ACTIVAGE: a day to share strategies for active ageing

A photogram from the virtual event

The ACTIVAGE project ended with the #ActivageBigDay, a streaming event on Zoom and Youtube, broadcast on October 21st. After all, although the choice was imposed by the limitations due to the pandemic, for ACTIVAGE it was very congenial, since the project is focused on innovation, such as smart living, Internet of things, all connected - and the digital transformation that cancels distances and optimizes paths, not leaving behind the weakest, those who cannot easily move or are forced to stay home.

ACTIVAGE is for us all. It has developed and tested in 12 European cities 11 pilot cases on the use of IoT (Internet of Things) for active and healthy ageing, and has involved about 8.000 people (seniors, patients, citizens, healthcare professionals) to whom municipalities, large and small, the world of caregivers, service providers, third sector organizations and the elderly themselves can refer to understand the potential of digital innovation. From sensors that can detect movements, light, temperature, if you have opened the refrigerator or if you have been sitting too long, if you have gone out and if you have reached your destination, to the safe management of data that can be shared once properly processed, so that the installation of that sensor is useful for the individual citizen and the community around him (family, doctor, pharmacist but also transport company, supermarket, social center in the neighborhood, parish, local shop).

Many Public Administrations (PA) involved in ACTIVAGE will continue to use the solutions to implement services and support people, especially the elderly, to live better and longer in the context they prefer. At the same time, pandemic-related issues have accelerated digitization processes and the adoption of IoT technologies in care pathways. The conclusion of the ACTIVAGE project gives the burden of assisting, in particular the PA, in adopting the solutions developed, to the newly founded association of which Lepida is a founding member.

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