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In Novi (Modena) a Home Care Residence for smart elderly people

Una fotografia di uno degli appartamenti

The Home Care Residence "R. Rossi" in Novi (Modena) is managed by the Public Personal Service Agency (ASP) "Terre d'Argine" and houses 14 elderly residents, mostly women, in self-sufficient apartments. At the urging of the Union Terre d'Argine and the Municipality, Lepida has organized a test within the domain of Internet of Things (IoT), aimed at experimenting solutions that combine home care and safety for the frail.

Achievement of ISO certifications

ISO certifications - abstract image

Since December 15th, 2020, Lepida's certifications have reached the number of 5, thanks to the achievement of the international standard norm ISO 45001:2018 (dedicated to health and safety at the workplace), which together with the ISO 9001 (standard norm on the quality of the products and services provided), the ISO/IEC 27001 (standard norm for information security), the ISO/IEC 27017 (standard norm on security controls for cloud services) and the ISO/IEC 27018 (standard norm on the protection of personal data on public cloud systems), also all confirmed during the year, c

Port of Ravenna: an underwater channel for the Ultra Wideband

Fotografie di alcuni momenti degli scavi

The works for the underwater crossing of the Candiano channel have been completed, within the project for the Utra Wideband (UWB) infrastructures at the Port of Ravenna and the surrounding areas, aimed at the almost total coverage of the area, in conjunction with the FTTH connection of all the Access Points operating sites (Colacem, Fabbrica Vecchia, Foca Monaca, Nodo Sapir, Piloti, Ponte Mobile, Torre Bunge, Torre IFA, Torre PIR, Via Squero).

New Big Data infrastructure on Oracle Cloud: first dashboards

LepidaScpA - Display of a Big Data Dashboard

Lepida's Big Data infrastructure was launched in the production environment, after a period of study and experimentation and an evaluation of possible alternative solutions; the Oracle Cloud was chosen, and in particular the Oracle Big Data Service (BDS) consisting of a Cloudera distribution, engineered and adapted for automatic deployment within the Cloud infrastructure. The architecture has therefore undergone some changes, having to adapt to the new tools made available by clouding.

A distributed orchestra on the Lepida Network

One frame of the recording

Allowing a conductor and his orchestra to play together in streaming, live, albeit from different locations: this is the ambitious goal achieved by the project "Orchestra diffusa" of the Foundation Ravenna Manifestazioni, in collaboration with Lepida, BH Audio & Ravenna Streaming, and realized through the staging, last September 30th, of the "Zanetto" by Mascagni at 7 contemporary recording sessions, located in Emilia-Romagna.

ACTIVAGE: a day to share strategies for active ageing

A photogram from the virtual event

The ACTIVAGE project ended with the #ActivageBigDay, a streaming event on Zoom and Youtube, broadcast on October 21st. After all, although the choice was imposed by the limitations due to the pandemic, for ACTIVAGE it was very congenial, since the project is focused on innovation, such as smart living, Internet of things, all connected - and the digital transformation that cancels distances and optimizes paths, not leaving behind the weakest, those who cannot easily move or are forced to stay home.

Trafair at Modena Smart Life 2020

Logo Trafair and logo Modena Smart Life

In the online edition of Modena Smart Life 2020, among the different themes identified, the virtual roads "Strade virtuali" (networks and technological infrastructures) hosted on Saturday, September 26th a live streaming entitled Smart City: la sfida verso la sostenibilità per approfondire i risultati del progetto europeo Trafair (Smart City: the challenge towards sustainability to explore the results of the Europe

5G: the constitution of a regional table

5G - Abstract image

There has been a lot of talk about 5G lately. From a simple new technology for cellular systems characterized by high capacity and very low latency, to a system with many antennas distributed in densely populated places to allow to deliver the maximum possible capacity, trying to reduce the transmission power. As usual there are committees in favor of the service and committees against electromagnetic fields. From a health point of view the discussion is to consider thousands of studies, some generic, others focused on the specific 5G system.

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