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LepidaID APP in Apple and Google stores


The LepidaID mobile application by Lepida, already available on Google Play Store by early October 2019, is now also available on the Apple APP Store from the end of December 2019. It is a simple and essential APP for the generation of the temporary security code (the so-called OTP: One-Time Password) which is required to any SPID LepidaID digital identity, in order to access services that are bound by a two-factor identification.

niCE-life: a new European project for the inclusion of fragile subjects

Logo niCE-life

Lepida and the Local Health Authority of Bologna participate in the niCE-life project of the Central Europe Programme (Innovation Axis), which aims to promote social innovation and the integration of fragile people, especially the elderly, in the programme area. The coordinator of the project is the City of Bratislava (Slovakia), another Italian partner being the ISRAA – Institute for Hospitalization and Assistance to the Elderly of Treviso.

The Lepida Datacenter of Ferrara candidate for use by the National Strategic Pole

datacenter ferrara

On February 10th, following the census of the Public Administration ICT assets conducted by the Digital Agency, the Lepida Datacenter in Ferrara was announced eligible for utilization by the National Strategic Pole (PSN), while the Lepida Datacenters in Ravenna and Parma have been recognized as members of the "Group A", according to the classification provided in the “Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in the Public Administration 2019-2021”.

Assinter, the major interlocutor for the national digital transformation

Assembly of the Assinter Members - Rome, November 22nd, 2019

The Assembly of the Assinter Members took place in Rome on November 22nd, inaugurating a new season for the governance of the Association; the Assembly appointed Francesco Ferri - currently President of the in-house club ARIA S.p.A. - as the new President, and elected the team he proposed in the Executive Committee to lead the network for the next two years. The President will be supported by a team of Vice-Presidents/Councillors who will provide their experience and specific know-how on strategic issues.

ACTIVAGE: lessons learnt for the IoT from the 9 pilot sites

ACTIVAGE awarded at the Public Administration Forum

The ACTIVAGE project implements numerous use cases in 9 Deployment Sites (DS), considered strategic for the implementation of effective policies to address the challenge of healthy ageing. The DSs are located in Spain, Germany, France, Greece, Finland and the United Kingdom as well as in the Emilia-Romagna Region, in the Parma area, selected for the Health Care Public Administration Forum in the Integrated Care area.

The Lepida network in Emilia-Romagna

The Lepida network in Emilia-Romagna

Last July, with the fiber connection of the City Hall of Morfasso, the last PALR was discontinued, that is the last copper PAL registered to a municipality. It may be interesting to show with some features the evolution over time of the Lepida Network from the point of view of the technology of its access points (PAL). At the end of 2010, the Lepida Network had 418 PALs: of these, 74% were in optical fibre and 9% in radio links (on the Lepida Wireless architecture, not yet in Ultra Wide Band).

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Lepida participates to the Global Challenges in Assistive Technology Conference

robot assistivo

The 15th International Conference of AAATE (Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology) was held in Bologna from August 27th to 30th, 2019. The association has 250 members, including institutions, universities, public and private subjects from the world of research and industry and is the most important international group for the study, exchange and sharing of information on assistive technology issues.

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