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The project focused on digital instruments to manage hydraulic risk starts

The project focused on digital instruments to handle hydraulic risk starts - Image

The collaboration begun during year 2021 with the Agency for Territorial Security and Civil Protection has started a new branch of activity: the digitalization aimed to support the handling of hydraulic risks. This kind of risk is particularly relevant for the territory of Emilia-Romagna, which turns out to be among the regions with higher risk level, in an average hydraulic danger scenery evaluation, concerning the population at flooding’s risk.

How to handle the shortage of IT devices

How to handle the shortage of IT devices

The year 2021 is facing considerable difficulties related to the IT devices (PC, Server, Storage, Networking) supply. The main cause is the worldwide scarcity of chips, which are necessary to the production of this sort of equipment.
This crisis is affecting different types of industries at the same time (for example, the automotive sector) and is due to several factors all, somehow, linked to the pandemic.

An agreement with the Order of Engineers of Bologna

School room

Building fully connected schools throughout the region is the vision of the SchoolNet project, which has been taking shape in Emilia-Romagna for 7 years. A vision that is enriched with an additional element. In the context of the neutrality that has characterized it from its origins, the protocol recently signed by Lepida with the Order of Engineers of Bologna opens the way to a new opportunity to increase the capabilities of users.

The update of the Civil Protection analog network


Since 2004, the Emilia-Romagna Region and its Regional Authorities (Municipalities, Provinces, Unions and also the Civil Protection Agency, ARSTPC) have unified the PMR (Professional Mobile Radio) communication system for emergency and safety with the ERretre TETRA digital network. The result has been a benefit in terms of operational and maintenance costs. The TETRA digital system has since replaced a costly and dishomogeneous aggregate of analog networks for the institutional system, which were inefficient and easily subject to interference and interception.

TOP-IX Agreement


Lepida adds another fundamental piece, among the IXs with which it has made direct agreements, by entering the TOP-IX Consortium (Torino Piemonte Internet eXchange), an important strategic node for the exchange of Internet traffic in the Italian North-West.

The first Lepida node of the Etherna Blockchain

Logo Etherna

The introduction of Blockchain technologies in the Italian legal system, through article 8ter of the legislative decree n.135/2018, has opened a phase of debate and comparison but also of experimentation and development of pilot projects. At all levels - international, European, national, territorial - several bodies - government institutions and their agencies, standardization bodies, private companies from different sectors - have deepened the analysis and knowledge of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT).

Kick-off TRANSIT, Training Paths for Adults on Sustainable Mobility

Logo Erasmus+

On February 22nd the launch of the TRANSIT project was made official. Financed within the Erasmus+ program, TRANSIT is inspired in particular by the objective 13 of the Climate Action; the importance of the topic is also central in the Pact for Work and Climate that the Emilia-Romagna Region has recently signed with all the regional actors, in which, among the lines of action, is reiterated the desire to invest in a new sustainable mobility and to promote the use of bicycles and more eco-friendly vehicles.

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