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Following the merger by incorporation of CUP 2000 into Lepida, the company becomes a competence center at the national level in the projecting, realization, management, commissioning and maintenance of CUP (Centro Unico di Prenotazione - Joint Booking Center) systems, and provides institutional support to the regional Health Authorities in the utilization of both the CUP2.0 platform with its integrated modules, developed internally, and other market solutions. 

icona Welfare & Integrazioni Digitali EU Projects

Lepida’s participation to funding calls and networks at the European level represents an opportunity to valorize and share competences, experiences and projectualities within an international context, as well as to increase knowledge and the application of good practises on the territory.

icona Welfare & Integrazioni Digitali Welfare & Digital Integrations

In line with the strategy of the national and regional Digital Agenda, Lepida supports its Members in plans, activities and actions for the adoption and integrated use of digital technologies, encouraging an active participation by its Members in the design, development, planning and implementation of policies for the realization of digital administration, according to a model already shared within the Thematic Communities as a strategic action for the realization of the Digital Transformation for its Members, in accordance with the provisions of the three-

icona Progetto CUP Unico Regionale Single regional CUP* Project

The Regional Government Resolution 881/2023 has entrusted Lepida for the realization of an extremely innovative project, both technically and organizationally. 
The main focus of the project is the realization of a regional system that allows citizens to simply and rapidly access to social-health services and that gives to decision-makers (such as the Regional Ministry, directions of Healthcare Agencies etc. ) the best tools to manage the widest possible offer.

icona Progetto Big Data HPC MarghERita Big Data HPC MarghERita Project

As implementation of the Regional Law 11/2004 "Regional development of the Information Society" and s.m.a, the Emilia-Romagna Region pursues its goal to guarantee - together with the Local Authorities, citizens, agencies and Subjects - the best development conditions for their relationships and activities, promoting the ICT in the provision of services and in the accessibility and exchange of data.

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