niCE-life - Development of an integrated concept for the deployment of innovative technologies and services allowing independent living of frail elderly (2019-2022)
niCE-life is funded by the Central Europe Programme and the Local Health Authority of Bologna and ISRAA Treviso are among the partners. Objective of the project is promoting the social innovation and inclusion of the frail persons. especially elderly. The coordinator is the Capital City of Bratislava (Slovakia). The other participant countries in addition to the Technical University of Bratislava, are Czech Republic (University of Brno and the Hospital University of Olomouc), Austria that involves the Samariter Foundation, City of Warsaw and Slovenia with the National Health Institute. The model of social inclusion of niCE-life is based on the best practice of the Bologna e-Care Network which in its turn will be enriched with additional digital tools. niCE-life realizes 5 pilot actions in which the developing model will be experimented and where the technology plays a valuable support to answer the needs of the population which has resulted in growing numbers of frail older adults.
NCPeH - National Contact Point for eHealth (2017-2021)
Program: Connecting Europe Facility
The project Deployment of Generic Cross Border eHealth Services in Italy, National Contact Point for eHealth (NCPeH) proposes a common approach between European Member States for the implementation of infrastructures and eHealth services.
NCPeH is promoted within the program Connecting European Facility (CEF) eHealth, with Italy being fully committed to operationalizing eHealth services at the transfrontal level, with special reference to ePrescriptions and Patient Summaries.
Thanks to the participation of the Italian Ministry of Health, member of the eHealth Network, Italy is involved in the sub-group “Joint Action eHealth Governance Initiative (eHGI)” and in the ”Joint Action to support the eHealth (JAseHN)”.
In addition to the Ministry of Health, the Italian project is participated by three Regions (Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto) and by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID).
CoSIE - Co-creation of Service Innovations in Europe (2017-2020)
Program: Horizon 2020
The project CoSIE is based on the idea that innovations in the public sector can be realized by creating forms of collaboration among providers and beneficiaries of services, that is, citizens. The project, co-funded within the program Horizon 2020 under the call “Societal Challenge Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies”, was launched in December 2017 and includes the realization of one of the 9 provided pilot sites by Lepida, the Local Health Authority of Reggio Emilia and the University of Bologna, Italian partners in the project. CoSIE focuses on the prevention of child obesity; in particular, the project applies co-creative methodologies and, through the involvement of pediatric services, sports medicine, services involving hygiene and food, schools and families, it implements pathways for the development of instruments and Internet applications with the aim to facilitate communication between families, pediatricians and healthcare services.
- CoSIE Website
- X: @cosie2020
TRAFAIR – Understanding traffic flows to improve air quality (2018-2020)
Program: Connecting Europe Facility
Coordinated by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, TraFair intends to provide citizens with real-time estimations on the level of pollution caused by traffic and weather conditions. Lepida contributes with its own infrastructure Sensornet, the platform for the collection and elaboration of data coming from the sensors disseminated on the territory. 6 are the cities involved at the international level (Modena, Florence, Livorno, Pisa, Saragoza, Santiago de Compostela) where, through the installation of a series of low-cost sensors, the project aims to develop a service to forecast the quality of urban air.
WebinHealth - Interactive webinars to accelerate the shift to digital innovation in Albanian health (2020-2021)
Program: Central European Initiative
WebinHealth (Interactive webinars to accelerate the shift to digital innovation in Albanian health) is a project funded by the CEI-Central European Initiative. Lepida is coordinating the project in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Albania and the Medical University of Tirana. The objective of the project is to support the digitalisation process of the Albanian health system.
WebinHealth offers 16 webinars, supported by the simultaneous remote translation from Italian to Albanian and arranged with modules of 2 hours each. The beneficiaries of the webinars would be at least 80 participants coming from the healthcare and technological fields, patients’ representatives and university students.
The project has started in July 2020 and will last until January 2021.
ACTIVAGE - Activating Innovative IoT Smart living environments for ageing well (2017-2020)
Program: Horizon 2020
ACTIVAGE - a “European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments” - is a large-scale pilot aiming at demonstrating in different contexts the potentialities of the world of IoT (Internet of Things) within Smart Living environments.
ACTIVAGE aims to become a model of strategic reference for the implementation of a sustainable ecosystem, favoring a growth in the market of “smart living” solutions, based on IoT technologies, and promoting the quality of life of senior people in Europe.
ACTIVAGE creates the first open and interoperable ecosystem, reusing IoT platforms, existing technologies and standards in 7 European countries, and realising 9 pilot sites (Deployment Site – DS). This way, it is possible to propose new business models for solutions dedicated to active and healthy ageing, based on an impact assessment of the costs and the obtained advantages. The project contributes to the provision of solutions that are in line with the European policies on the sustainability of social and health systems.
The Italian DS is in Parma, Emilia-Romagna (DS RER). The research field is the application of IoT on people over 65 who suffered a stroke, with moderate consequences on their health.
- ACTIVAGE Website
- X: @ACTIVAGEproject
RainBo Life (2016-2019)
Program: LIFE Programme
Lepida is the lead institution in the project RainBo, aiming at improving the knowledge, methods and instruments to face extreme weather events, especially focusing on the potential impacts of catastrophic rains on small river basins (flash flooding).
The objective of the project is to build a platform integrating previsional models and alert protocols, to anticipate emergency situations caused by sudden and destructive weather events.
The project RainBo contributes achieving the political goals of the EU, sustaining local adaptive strategies and action plans against the risks of floods, through the use of advanced technologies for environmental monitoring. The Consortium includes, together with Lepida, the ArpaE agency, the Municipality of Bologna, Meeo and Nier.
The regional BCO of Emilia-Romagna