October 8
16:00 - 16:30
Welcome Address and overall presentation of the WebinHealth Programme
Prof. Gianluca Mazzini
General Manager - Lepida
Prof. Arben Gjata
Rector - Medical University of Tirana
16:30 - 18:00
The Personal Electronic Health Record (Fascicolo Sanitario elettronico) as a key infrastructure for the health system at regional and national level
Gandolfo Miserendino
Manager, ICT services, technologies and healthcare infrastructures - Emilia-Romagna Region
Caterina Lena
Director, Digital Healthcare Division - Lepida
October 15
16:00 - 18:00
Health organisation system for facing Covid-19 pandemic in Albania
Prof. Arben Gjata
Organization of health system in Albania during Covid-19 pandemic
Prof. As. Najada Como
Recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Covid-19 – Albanian experience
Prof. As. Albana Fico
Epidemiology and surveillance principles of COVID-19 in Albania
Prof. Arjan Harxhi
Describe COVID-19 Case Investigation Protocol
October 22
16:00 - 18:00
Key areas, milestones and challenges in digital health of the Emilia-Romagna Region
Caterina Lena
Director, Digital Healthcare Division - Lepida
Licia Mignardi
Deputy Director, Digital Healthcare Division - Lepida
October 29
16:00 - 18:00
The system for the digital identity and the regional infrastructures for eHealth
Simona Rimondini
Director, Software & Platforms Division - Lepida
Kussai Shahin
Deputy Director, Software & Platforms Division - Lepida
November 6
16:00 - 18:00
Dematerialisation, data preservation and pharmaceutical expenditure tracking
Giuseppe Sberlati
Director, Digital Integration Division - Lepida
Paolo Perossa
Deputy Director, Digital Integration Division - Lepida
Davide Cocchi
Digital Integration Division - Lepida
November 13
16:00 - 18:00
The Digital Hospital and the change management: the case of the Orthopedics Institute Rizzoli IRCCS of Bologna
Beatrice Cavallucci
Director, ICT Unit - Orthopedics Institute Rizzoli
November 19
16:00 - 18:00
Telehealth as a new perspective
Prof. Xheladin Dracini
New perspectives for online studies in pandemic situation: Experience of Faculty of Medicine, UMT
Prof. Gjeorgjina Kuli
Infection from Covid-19 in children: digital resources for the connection between different levels of care
Prof. Llukan Rrumbullaku
How to improve the interaction between doctor of family and patient: role of telemedicine
Dr. Shk. Agim Kociraj
Best practices for delivering telehealth
November 27
16:00 - 18:00
COVID-19: how the management of the emergency was supported by the regional eHealth infrastructure
Alberto Anelli
Digital Healthcare Division - Lepida
Antonio Milanesi
Digital Healthcare Division - Lepida
December 2
16:00 - 18:00
Legal aspects and application in personal data protection: the case of the Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico (personal electronic health record)
Silvio Noce
Lawyer & Privacy Senior Analyst
December 9
16:00 - 18:00
The new Big Data model. From algorithms to data
Beatrice Nepoti
Coordinator, Strategic & Special Projects Unit - Lepida
Cesare Osti
Deputy Coordinator, Strategic & Special Projects Unit - Lepida
December 16
16:00 - 18:00
Telehealth in University of Medicine, Tirana
Prof. Elizana Zaimi Petrela
The role of network for dissemination of data between professionals of medicine
Prof. Polikron Pulluqi
Difficulty faced by health professionals in management of patients, what to improve in the future
Prof. As. Entela Haloci
Difficulty faced by professors and students of University of Medicine, to develop teaching, research, training activities, what to improve in the future
Prof. Alma Idrizi
New perspectives of continuous education in distance
December 22
16:00 - 18:00
How to steer the selection of the model for a datacenter in the healthcare system and manage the security issues
Andrea Fiocchi
Director, Datacenter Division - Lepida
Giuliano Franceschi
Director, Networks Division - Lepida
January 11
16:00 - 18:00
Services to citizens during COVID-19 pandemic: a multichannel system of help desk and contact center
Manuela Gallo
Director, Access Division - Lepida
Sergio Duretti
Director, Digital Welfare Division - Lepida
Carla Fiori
Deputy Director, Digital Welfare Division - Lepida
Raffaello Badursi
Access Division - Lepida
January 18
16:00 - 18:00
Telehealth in function of health personnel and population
Prof. Silva Bala
Pulmonary embolism in Covid-19 patients with risk factors
Prof. Gentiana Qirjako
Public health’s role in reducing transmission: role of communication with citizens
Prof. As. Krenar Lila
Evaluation and principles of treatment of patients with COVID-19 in therapy units intensive
Dr. Valbona Selimaj Kontoni
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children related to Covid-19. The challenges of a new condition. A systematic review
Dott. Agim Koçiraj
Telehealth - Basis for the Best Practices in the Countries with limited resources
January 25
16:00 - 18:00
Features and management of Lepida Network: strategic interventions during COVID-19 pandemic
Cristiano Passerini
Deputy Director, Networks Division - Lepida
January 29
16:00 - 18:00
The challenge of establishing telemedicine and telehealth as core services for digital health
Marco Brambilla
Director, IT Systems Unit - University Hospital of Parma
Stefano Nunziata
Digital Healthcare Division - Lepida