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icona Welfare & Integrazioni Digitali EU Projects

Lepida’s participation to funding calls and networks at the European level represents an opportunity to valorize and share competences, experiences and projectualities within an international context, as well as to increase knowledge and the application of good practises on the territory.

In close collaboration with the actions chosen at the European level by its Partners and by the other in-house regional companies, Lepida provides its already operative material and immaterial infrastructures and knowledge to participate to European calls and projects, integrating the contributions by the company branches and in synergy with the Research and Prototypes area.

Lepida also promotes the development of strategic partnerships with companies, in-house regional bodies, public bodies, Universities and research organisations, European and international networks operating in the field of research and cooperation.


Our current ongoing European Projects are:

logo Interreg IPA Adrion

PADRION - Public Administrations facing Digital transformation as a community in the ADRION area

Programme: IPA ADRION

PADRION (Public Administrations facing Digital transformation as a community in the ADRION area) is a 36-month project co-funded by the Interreg IPA ADRION Programme. It fosters innovation in Public Administrations through the collaboration of partners from 7 countries in the Adriatic-Ionian region: Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

PADRION focuses on developing tools such as Local Digital Agendas and Thematic Communities of Practice, creating a replicable model, piloting tailored solutions, and delivering a Joint Action Plan with guidelines for long-term sustainability. Local communities, public administrations, and businesses will directly benefit from the tested solutions, which will be ready for adoption and scale-up after validation.

PADRION ensures that digital transformation in the Adriatic-Ionian region is tailored to local needs, bridging inequalities and creating opportunities for all.

To guarantee continued collaboration beyond the project's lifetime, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be signed among partners, and a permanent working group will be established to foster ongoing exchange of information and experiences, ensuring the continuous evolution and adaptation of PADRION’s outcomes.

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Data4Energy - Data for better energy and climate monitoring

Data4Energy is a project funded by the Erasmus Plus program, aimed at strengthening knowledge and the exchange of experiences in governance for monitoring energy and climate targets. The project involves Italian and Swedish partners and focuses on improving the management of energy and transport data in municipalities.
The project is coordinated by the County of Östergötland (Sweden) and includes two other Swedish regions – Dalarna and Jönköping – along with the independent research institute RISE. In Italy, Lepida is a partner, bringing its expertise in supporting the digital transition of public administrations in Emilia-Romagna.
The project began with a kick-off meeting in Bologna (October 2024), where experts and institutions discussed innovative tools to monitor and enhance energy efficiency. The initiative will conclude with a final seminar in Falun, Sweden, in March 2025.

ISABELLA - Iot Support and Assistance for Better Elder Living and Learning Advancement

Program: Horizon 2020

ISABELLA is a pilot within the H2020 PHARAON project, coordinated by AIAS Bologna, with the aim of improving the living conditions of the elderly, ensuring greater independence and well-being. This translates into advanced solutions for a smart and active life, including devices, robotics, IoT tools, artificial intelligence, data management, cloud computing, smart wearable devices, and analytics.

The main innovation introduced by ISABELLA lies in the use of environmental sensors as a non-invasive monitoring tool. These sensors power the SensorNet platform, which, through an intuitive display of data, allows the caregiver network to effectively monitor the elderly, contributing to an overall improvement in their well-being.

The pilot will be established involving 10 caregivers from the ASP of Bologna and the e-Care service of Lepida. They will monitor at least 15 elderly individuals (>65) living alone, both in private apartments and in protected facilities, in the metropolitan area of Bologna.


Program: European Union’s Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)

Emilia-Romagna Regional Ecosystem of Digital Innovation (ER2Digit) is the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) of the Emilia-Romagna Region born from the collaboration of ART-ER (Coordinator), Lepida and CINECA to encourage the advance of the public services offer and the adoption of innovative digital solutions in Public Sector Organisations and small and medium-sized enterprises. 
ER2Digit supports the potential for digitisation of SMEs and PSOs  through concrete tools, namely by providing knowledge, skills and resources for building digital capacity in different areas: energy, construction, tourism, health, transport and culture. 
ER2Digit is part of the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network (EDIHs), the initiative funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe programme, with the aim of accelerating the digital transformation of PSOs and SMEs. 
ER2Digit Hub is also co-financed by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (MIMIT) through resources of the RRF in the field of "Strengthening and thematic and territorial extension of technology transfer centers for industry segments" (Mission 4 component 2 Investment 2.3). 
ER2Digit represents an opportunity for digital innovation in key sectors of the society and the data economy, contributing to the objectives of the Digital Agenda of Emilia-Romagna called Data Valley Bene Comune.


Program: URBACT IV

The Digi-Inclusion Action Planning Network addresses social exclusion and promotes digital inclusion not only by ensuring access to technology, but also allowing people to develop the necessary skills and gain sufficient autonomy to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital world. The Network has been approved by the URBACT IV Monitoring Committee and has become one of the 30 Action Planning Networks in Europe involving 252 partners from 28 European countries.

Digi-Inclusion, led by the city of Mollet del Vallès (Spain), includes in addition to Lepida  - which will involve stakeholders in the Metropolitan City and in particular in some territories of the Apennines - also the cities of Alexandroupolis (Greece), Gdansk (Poland), Iasi (Romania), Jelgava (Latvia), Torres Vedras (Portugal), the Zenica-Doboj Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the Côte d'Opale Development Agency (Boulogne sur Mer, France). 
Partners will share experiences, develop skills and create integrated action plans to address local digital inclusion challenges. 

NCPeH+ - Extension of National Contact Point for eHealth (NCPeH) in Italy

Program: EU4Health

MyHealth@EU is the digital infrastructure for online healthcare in Europe that enables the safe and interoperable exchange of health data between EU countries, ensuring continuity of care for European citizens travelling in the same way as in their country of residence. Since 2017, Lepida has participated in a series of initiatives coordinated by the Ministry of Health within the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure - eHDSI. NCPEH+ is a follow-up to the NCPeH project "Deployment of generic cross-border eHealth services - National Contact Point eHealth" (NCPEH) ended in 2021 and which was a first step towards the interoperability of electronic prescriptions (eP) and the Patient Summary (PS). NCPEH+ aims to extend the scope of interoperability by also allowing the exchange of original clinical documents (OrCD).

PRECINCT - Preparedness and Resilience Enforcement for Critical INfrastructure Cascading Cyberphysical Threats and effects with focus on district or regional protection (2021-2023)

Program: H2020

PRECINCT is a project co-funded in H2020 and aims to connect private and public CI stakeholders in a geographical area to a common cyber-physical security management approach which will yield a protected territory for citizens and infrastructures. The PRECINCT Ecosystem Platform will connect stakeholders of interdependent CIs and Emergency Services to collaboratively manage risks and resilience exploiting “Digital Twins”, “Serious Games” and “AI” technologies. The objective is to improve CI protection for specific installations from vulnerabilities arising from interdependencies and cascading effects. The validation scenarios are based in 4 large scale Living Labs (LL) developed in Antwerp, Athens, Bologna and Lubjana. In Bologna the partner involved in the LL are Lepida, Aeroporto di Bologna, Fondazione ITL and  FST Technologies.

TRANSIT - Training Paths for Adults on Sustainable Mobility (2021-2023)

Program: ERASMUS+ Programme

The project TRANSIT aims at raising awareness, while stimulating behavioural change, about sustainable mobility through the development of informal training paths for workers, families, and young adults, by stressing the importance of using more sustainable means of transportations as part of broader efforts at EU level towards the creation of a more sustainable and healthier society. 
The project involves seven partners from Greece, Italy, Spain and Sweden. In Italy the activities will be realised in the territory of the Unione Pedemontana Parmense. 
The project is designing and developing three main instruments: a survey to identify the main themes related to the sustainable mobility; two e-learning modules for training civil servants and associations operating in the field; a toolbox that will collect all the tools needed for raising awareness and educate citizens on sustainable mobility habits. is the association that further exploits the results of the Activage project, with the participation of Lepida among the founding members. The mission of is to continue and expand the achievements of the Activage project, committing to contribute to the well-being of European society through the ongoing evolution of results obtained in the fields of technology and innovation, specifically oriented towards supporting the elderly.

The Association (AOA) has been established by bringing together the main partners of the Activage project consortium. Its aim is to promote and facilitate the implementation and dissemination of products and services aimed at the health and active living of the elderly throughout Europe.

SERN Network

In May 2018 Lepida joined the SERN (Sweden Emilia-Romagna) Network. Created in 2005, the network aims at assisting public and private subjects from Emilia-Romagna and Sweden in the development of international connections and in the search of partners for community projects. The network intends to promote a confrontation between partner countries on extremely relevant topics such as social policies, environment, education, entrepreneurship, innovation and technological development. The objective is to discover experiences of excellence gained in other countries, and to develop forms of cooperation, also with the aim to access the European funding channels. The network is thus created by local-regional administrations from Emilia-Romagna and Sweden but is open to involving other public or private subjects, to exchange common experiences and projects with the aim to promote the development of the territory. Lepida intends to offer to the network members, in particular to the Italian members who are also its institutional Partners, access to the digital enabling, computing and applicative infrastructures, useful for collaboration and development in the context of European projects.

Finished European Projects