The Coronavirus pandemic is not only spreading rapidly, but also quickly revolutionizing the way we work around the world. The most impacted dimension is definitely technological. In the space of a couple of weeks, the need to activate effective, fast and secure responses has arisen to enable thousands of workers to remote working, with personal devices or from home, with private connections, with different bandwidth capabilities and uneven architectural solutions. Because of the pandemic, remote working is therefore becoming, in a certain sense, the killer application of digital transformation, as it catalyzes and finalizes the efforts that had already been undertaken, so far, in many areas of work, but not always in a structured and effective way.
Now the acceleration imposed by the emergency has created instead a virtuous circle, and a general stimulating and enabling environment, which hopefully will not regress. Lepida, always having been committed to the design and delivery of cutting-edge IT solutions, was immediately activated to have all available assets and services converge in synergy and security, in order to facilitate the partner Bodies in this emergency. It has firstly extended remote working for its employees with extraordinary measures, involving in a few days 323 workers out of 611. Moreover, it has made available to the Emilia-Romagna Region about 250 PCs already configured, and supports the Region's remote workers with a dedicated assistance service. It has activated a dedicated mailbox which received, in less than a month, over 50 requests for support from partner Bodies on issues such as video conferencing and video collaboration, remote desktop architectures and applications, VPN with security protocols and complex virtualization solutions. In details of the single services, Lepida has activated about 100 free Videoconference accounts for the partner Bodies and made available over 200 virtual rooms; it has made available, free of charge to the Bodies that already activated a Firewall as a Service, over 3.000 SSL VPN licenses. It is supporting the rapid adoption of solutions for remote working and work collaboration of third parties (e.g. CISCO Webex with 60 requests, G-Suite for Education for over 200 teachers, Remote Desktop etc.). Lepida is also directly supporting organizations in the design of the technological adaptation roadmap, provided, with explicit reference to privileging in-house solutions, by a 2M€ call for proposals just issued by the Emilia-Romagna Region, for the promotion of remote working among Unions of Municipalities, Provinces and the Metropolitan City of Bologna.