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Big Data: first numbers on unique users


Lepida is trying to support its members in the provision of digital infrastructure on the territory, particularly with regard to the use of data; often the difficulty is not due to their availability, but to a poor ability to intercept them, collect them and interpreting their meaning, therefore their value. Lepida has therefore created a platform, in the context of Big Data, which can collect data (ingestion process) from real time flows and existing databases.

Lepida then created the "bricks": for example, starting from the anonymous data of a connection to the WiFi network of the Region (EmiliaRomagnaWiFi, they allow to calculate the number of unique devices that are connected to the WiFi network, which results in counting the users, assuming a device for each user. Surprisingly, the unique devices measured in a six-month period are as many as 1.300.000, while the number of connections made in the same period exceeds 360 million. Monthly, more than half of the users utilize the network, even connecting several times. The level of network coverage has also been assessed, focusing on how many, and which, of the over 7.000 WiFi points provide geolocalizable traffic data to date. To make this information usable, a dashboard has been created at whose graphs show indicative data based on a system that is constantly evolving.

The new connections take place mainly during the weekend and in the capital cities of Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia and Rimini, while traffic, however, is mainly recorded on business days. The first analyses lead us to think that the service is used to support touristic flows on weekends and working activities during the week.

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