On the 24th of September every partner of the Digi-Inclusion project, including Lepida, together with the political representatives of the network signed in Iasi (Romania) a Political Declaration on Digital Rights in order to promote digital inclusivity in their own territories.
The Declaration aims to reduce the digital gap, that causes economic and social inequalities. The 9 participating Cities have reached agreement on a common text that defines what makes a digital community a successful one.
Citizens should always have access to the digital world and have the opportunity to acquire digital competences and, in particular, be included and valorized on a digital inclusivity point of view, because that’s closely linked with democratic participation.
All signatories committed to promote digital rights for their citizens.
Digi-Inclusion partners will work on their Integrated Action Plans and complete them within December 2025.
Starting from those plans, from 2026 the partners will take actions to the short or medium term, helping to make their territories more inclusive from a digital point of view.
The Digi-Inclusion network is going to spread this Declaration so to inspire other European territories and cities and to reduce the existing digital gap.