In December 2023, Emilia-Romagna Region, Lepida and the pensioner’s trade unions – Spi Cgil, Fnp Cisl and Uilp Uil – renewed the memorandum of understanding which aims to support the most vulnerable segments of the population during the access and use of the Digital ID SPID and its related online services, such as Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico, ERSalute, app IO and PagoPA.
Since the signing of the first memorandum - that took place in January 2022 – 159 branches capable of offering help to citizens on SPID and on the related online serviced have been identified in 90 municipalities.
Moreover, 431 trade union operators have been trained.
Lepida has successfully activated a dedicated help desk service with support activities aimed to solve every problem pointed out by the trade unions.
This memorandum comes alongside other digital facilitation measures for old and vulnerable citizens, in line with the objectives of the Digital Agenda 2020-2025, to guarantee digital citizenship to all citizens and provide the weakest segments of the population with the digital skills necessary to actively seize digital opportunities.