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AI for the Digital Transformation of local administrations: challenges and opportunities

AI for the Digital Transformation of local administrations: challenges and opportunities - Image

Artificial Intelligence represents a field of strong technological innovation with multiple opportunities and risks.

This new phenomenon will bring significative changes to the local Pubblic Administration regarding its manners of territorial managing. However, exploring the potential of these technologies brings up numerous doubts.

How can Artificial Intelligence be used to manage the territory and the administrative processes effectively? What tools can upgrade the suirvellance and management of the risks? What skills are needed, and what ethical implications should be taken into consideration? 

AI for the Digital Transformation of public administrations: Challenges and Opportunities

1 conference, 4 sites, 1 common platform: Bologna, Bolzano, Schio and Trento.

Subscriptions are open

The conference will take place on November 19, 2023, from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM: save the date and discover more on

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