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icona Integrazioni Digitali Digital Integrations

The availability of enabling infrastructures (Ultra Wideband, Datacenters, regional service Platforms) allows the local PA to implement a digital and open administration, objective of the 214/2015 reform, through the growing integration of processes and services, coherently with what provided by the Triennial IT Plan for the Public Administration and the Digital Agenda of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Starting from the experience and the professionality in the healthcare sector acquired by the Competence Center for Digitalization and Dematerialization of Minerbio, Lepida promotes the diffusion of its own technologies for the whole documental production of the PA, favoring the transition towards a paperless Administration.

Through its Digital Integrations Division, Lepida supports its shareholders on plans, activities and actions for the adoption and integrated use of digital technologies, also in the health sector; it encourages the active participation of members in the design, development, planning and implementation of policies for the realization of digital administration - according to a model already shared within Thematic Communities - as a strategic action for the realization of Digital Transformation for its partners, in accordance with the provisions of the Triennial IT Plan for the Public Administration and the evolution of national and European legislation, also through the development of Local Digital Agendas.

To this end, it promotes projects and initiatives that produce interoperability of digital products and services among regional platforms, through the process of qualification of market software solutions, and through the definition of innovative technological models (Smart Cities) and social models (Smart Communities) for the application of digital technologies to the development of urban, rural and mountain areas. Lepida supports the active collaboration between interregional, national and international expertise and experiences, with particular reference to European projects.

Lepida supports its shareholders in the definition and implementation of technical and organizational solutions for Smart Working, enhancing the regional infrastructures that enable and manage integrated and homogeneous solutions for remote work, and supporting their deployment and diffusion on the territory.